
Virtual Training Links for 2023 S&T Judges and Starters


Below please find the links to the 2023 virtual training videos.  The league preference is that these videos be used by returning officials.  We retain records of those persons certified as officials in previous years. Those records will be cross referenced.

New officials should make every attempt to attend the next in-person training on June 14, at 7pm in the Harting Farm Clubhouse.  

Those utilizing the virtual training option should follow these steps:

STEP 1: Register for Training
Registration Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1RTyONt28-xugCFjcmFxg0GrjRcg2q1vcLQ6DA12rG6w/edit

STEP 2: Watch the Videos
Stroke and Turn: https://youtu.be/0W9Kb-VeAA0

Starter: https://youtu.be/FNUa7vsbuuA

STEP 3:Certify Completion
Certification Form: https://forms.gle/nE2UFXG8qQwUrDPDA

Thank you for your time and attention. Please direct any additional questions or concerns to [email protected]

Brad Hersey

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